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Marketing Strategy of Destiny HR

We always believed that Marketing is a powerful process that gives an organization a competitive advantage in the marketplace. While just defining a marketing strategy will not automatically creates a competitive advantage, it will allow the organization to concentrate its resources on the greatest opportunities to increase business and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. Once the company has obtained an adequate understanding of the customer base and its own competitive position in the industry, marketing manager is able to make key strategic decisions and develop a marketing strategy design to maximize the revenues and profits. The selected strategy may aim for any of a variety of specific objectives, including optimizing short-term unit margins, revenue growth, market share, long-term profitablity or other goals.

To achieve our desired objectives, we typically identify one more target customers segments which we intend to pursue. Our segments are selected as targets because we score highly on two dimensions.

  1. Working Abroad is very attractive in Nepal to serve, because it is growing, large and is price sensitive ( i.e. is willing to pay reasonable price)\

  2. Our organization has the resources and capabilities to compete for manpower recruitment business, can meet the needs better than the competition, and can deal fairly.

    A marketing strategy also serves as the foundation of a marketing plan. A marketing plan contains a set of specific actions required to successfully implement a specific marketing strategy.

What is the marketing plan of Destiny HR ?

  1. Budget for advertising and promotional plan/materials

    Operating an effective marketing plan requires money, so we will have to allocate funds from our operating budget to cover advertising, promotional and all other costs associated with marketing.

  2. Suitable location and place

    Our offices is in the center of Kathmandu valley, the convenience public transportation is accessible from different location. Big parking space, office is well decorated, we always believe that location should be around our customers; it should be accessible and should provide a sense of security.

  3. Effective promotional strategy

    • Advertising media
    • Print media ( Newspaper, magazine, classified ads, yellow pages advertising, brochure
    • Trade show
    • Radio
    • Radio
    • Television
    • Networking
    • Business cards
    • T-shirts, Bags, pens, Record files

    We believe every organization will have sustainable and profitable business if they all know the answers of these questions, we always follow.


  1. How much do you really know about your current markets or future markets ?
  2. Why do your customers take a service from you ?
  3. What could you offer that would attract more one non-customers
  4. How can you sell to more of the profitable customers
  5. If you add features or services, will people pay more for them or will they attract more customers ?

  • Who are they and why are they after of before you ?
  • What is the overall market trend and how are you holding up in terms of market share and profit position ?
  • How do you really rank against competitors ?
  • What substitute are there to your services and how much of a threat are they ?


  • Where do your services fall in relation to the total market ?
  • Is this truly the position you want ?

We normally recruit candidates with the following marketing strategies:

  1. Personal Contacts

    Our satisfied clients have generated a very strong goodwill in the market and through them lots of candidates come into contact with us.

  2. Presentation Seminars in Hotels

    Nepalese have grown quite apathetic towards jobs in abroad. But, in person presentation by HR representatives facilitated by us creates an atmosphere of trust and belief. Furthermore, prospective candidates and guardians will have many issues which need to be taken up in person by representatives. In an average about 3000 candidates have been attending each of our seminars and presentations.

  3. Advertisements in Newspapers, Magazines and other print media

    Print media plays a major role in generating and creating opinions in Nepal. Fundamentally majority of Nepalese are fairly good readers of print media because political news and analysis are common matters of interest. An appropriate advertisement in newspapers and magazines provides a good dissemination as in our experience more than 100 queries are generated by one insertion.

  4. Hoarding Boards

    We have placed huge hoarding boards in main commercial centers and traffic junctions. Most of our hoarding boards are well designed as we have hired a professional designer and they are appropriately placed so that every passerby is able to see them. The hoarding boards are very recent marketing phenomenon, especially of recruitment services, yet they have generated queries from hundreds of prospective candidates.

  5. Job Fares

    We always represent our connected organizations in very job fair held in Kathmandu, Nepal, as in our experience more queries are generated by this representation.

  6. Electronic media in Radio Stations (FM)

    FM stations have tremendous following amongst the young generations. Many stations have come up with very creative programs. We have been putting insertion in these FM stations broadcasted from major cities around Nepal. It has grown to be very reliable and appropriate advertising tool in the context of Nepal.